ADAPT Podcast

ADAPT Podcast #12 With Gabriel Lobitsky

Episode Summary

In this episode, we welcome Gabriel Lobitsky, the vice president of DataRobot. Because nowadays data is more valuable than oil, we invited Gabriel to teach us more about how companies can dive into Digital Transformation by using their valuable data. But the question is, what, how, and when should we use that information? Listen to find out more.

Episode Notes

(1:10) Gabriel quickly introduces his professional path starting from his sales career at 15 years old, to working for several big companies, including now, DataRobot.

(3:04) Gabriel mentions that getting automatic value from the company’s data is the starting point for digital transformation.

(4:34) Gabriel gives an example of what valuable data looks like in a digital company.

(5:35) Luis sustains Gabriel’s point of view and gives an example of how companies can lose in the competitive evolution if data is not valuably used.

(8:15) As Gabriel explains, the size of a company and its bureaucratic structure can be both a vantage and a disadvantage for big traditional companies in the digital age.

(12:25) Gabriel defends that brainstorming and fast action are the big solutions for adapting traditional companies to the digital age.

(15:10) Luis continues the thought and adds the used strategy of creating smaller more digital and modern start-ups from the mother company as an option for the adaptation of the big corporate.

(20:02) To dive into the use of valuable data, Gabriel confirms the need for all the board members of the company to be educated about basic data science.

(24:19) Luis corroborates that executives have to learn about the tools that will sustain their companies to become digital to avoid being lost in the evolution of the market.

(27:16) After education, Gabriel states that having a powerful person in the board members of a company that speaks directly with the CEO, is the bridge for faster and more meaningful results.

(32:10) Gabriel gives a live example of the successful use of data.

(37:38) Gabriel advises young leaders to know how to listen to everyone: peers, coworkers, board members, clients, and competition, and make to understand their contexts.

(42:12) Luis adds the importance of not assuming who’s the customer, to keep asking questions, and to get actively involved with the customer.

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